Svake subote u Rijeci, 8.00-9.30h (90min) Centar Zamet
Svake srijede ONLINE 8.30-10.00h (90min) + 72 sata dostupnost snimke
Radionice su za tebe ako: voliš dublje raditi na sebi, često si pod stresom i mentalnim naporom, osjećaš umor, krutost kralježnice, um ti je nemiran i teško ti se skoncentrirati, osjećaš preplavljenost emocijama ili samo želiš više uživati i unijeti kreativnosti i radosti u svoj život.
🌟 Pokloni si interaktivni wellness za um, dušu i tijelo.🌟
Što možeš očekivati dolaskom na kundalini radionice?
- veću svijest o sebi i povezanost sa sobom / sa svojom dušom
- jačanje uz istovremeno opuštanje mišića koji drže kralježnicu
- optimalno cirkuliranje energije duž cijele kralježnice
- bolju posturu tijela i elastičnost kraljeznice
- otvaranje prema životu i optimizam
- unutarnju radost i ispunjenost
- oslobadjanje tijela od stresa
- veću emotivnu ravnotežu
- mirnoću uma
- jaču intuiciju
Tehnike koje primjenjujemo na svakoj kundalini radionici: Kundalini joga fizičke položaje, tehnike disanja, mindfulness tehnike, meditacije s mantrom, vizualizacije, duboku vodjenu relaksaciju.
Grupne kundalini radionice (90 min) uživo u RIJECI ili ONLINE
1 Drop in: 16 EUR
4 radionice mjesečno: 50 EUR (započni bilo koju srijedu ili subotu u mjesecu i članarina ce ti trajati mjesec dana)
Membership EVOLVE mjesečno: 90 EUR (kundalini radionice 4 uživo online + 4 uživo u Centru Zamet + 1 ekskluzivna coaching ili kundalini radionica u Rijeci u trajanju od 3 sata s radnim materijalima)
K. Washington
KUNDALINI RAD 1:1 - online individualan pristup
prilagodjen tvojim trenutnim potrebama i željama
za brže postizanje željenih rezultata
Benefiti: Osnažena aura (štiti i privlači ono što je za tvoje najveće dobro), gipkost kralježnice, vitalnost i opuštenost tijela, staložen um, pomladjuje, jača intuiciju da jasno čujes šapat svoje duše
Izaberi online drop in ili paket od 4 radionice:
Kundalini Online privatni 1 drop in: 40 EUR (60 min)
Kundalini Online privatne 4 radionice: 130 EUR (iskoristiti unutar 2 mjeseca)
Na prvu ti je došlo da mi se javiš, piši mi na info@ivanarodin.com da se dogovorimo za uvodni razgovor i definiramo tvoje trenutne prioritete.
Subota 21.12.24. "ISCJELJIVANJE UNUTARNJEG DJETETA I OČEVE LOZE" 8-11h, Centar Zamet (Mala dvorana)
Nedjelja 04.01.25. "ISCJELJIVANJE UNUTARNJEG DJETETA I MAJČINE LOZE" 17-20h, Centar Zamet (Mala dvorana)
Vrijednost: 70 EUR
* Redovite klijentice kundalini radionica ostvaruju 50% popusta
"I felt an inner calling to join Ivana's kundalini workshops. I felt confident enough without prior knowledge and yoga experience. I am thrilled that I joined! Through Ivana's professional guidance, I gained insight into bringin out that deeply stored peace and tranquility, feeling of love and kindness towards myself and the world around me! Since I've started working on my energy, I vibrate higher. I feel like I've returned home! I look forward to every new workshop because I always learn something new and find extra courage within me!
"I definitely recommend sessions with Ivana! The stress accumulated during the day has been replaced by inner peace and good sleep. I apply the learned breathing techniques almost every day in various situations. Personalised approach and support guaranteed."
"If I had to describe the feeling after the workshop in 3 words, it would be: fulfillment, peace and inner joy...I really feel better within"
"I often practise guided meditate, but it has never happened to me that someone's voice impacts me so much that at that moment I have no other thoughts, but I just want to listen to the words you are saying. I have the feeling that I could listen to you for hours and just float somewhere in between space (it's very difficult for me to describe it, but that's roughly how I feel during your meditation). It's a really indescribable feeling and I have nothing to say except thank you for everything you do."
""I could literally feel you within me. Wonderful... I have the feeling that you are not even fully aware of the energy you radiate and the effect you have on people. At least according to me... with you, I literally discover gradually increase in strength and sometimes even unusual possibilities within my whole body and soul. It's wonderful to finally get to know yourself internally. Thank you very much for everything, especially for today's workshop, it really touched me."
"I was thrilled about the feeling of grounding, because I am one of those people whose chattery mind. Especially throughout Saturday, a completely new relaxed feeling in the pelvis and lower belly."
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